
  • FAYYAZ HUSSAIN Sheikh Zayed Islamic Centre University of the Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • MUDASSAR HUSSAIN Civil Court, Chiniot, Pakistan Author


E-resources, Systematic Literature Review, HumanitiesScholars, Electronic produc, Information Sources


The use of electronic resources is currently very common. Electronic resources have great potential in terms of education and research. An e-resource can be defined as something that can be accessed through a computer, or it can be any electronic device that carries a collection of information. The purpose of this systematic literature review is to examine the patterns of use of e-resources by humanities scholars. Literature selection was conducted from three databases including Library Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA), Emerald Publishing and Google Scholar. Only peer-reviewed, full text, empirical studies published in English. A total of 542 studies were retrieved and only 18 made up the final sample. Analysis of recognized literature; some studies revealed that humanities scholars are still not used to with e-resources and still preferred print resources, they are very much concerned about electronic formats. Some of them think that, with the help of ICT’s, their search becomes easier. Based on the evidence, conclusion was made, that humanities scholars believe in the usefulness of electronic resources, but due to some concerns, they still prefer physical resources to electronic resources.


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How to Cite

HUSSAIN, F. ., & HUSSAIN, M. . (2021). THE USE OF E-RESOURCES BY HUMANITIES SCHOLARS: A SYSTEMIC LITERATURE REVIEW. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(3), 78-88.