
  • AMMAR MASOOD UCP Business School University of Central Punjab, Lahore Author
  • MOHSIN ALTAF Lahore Business School The University of Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • MOHSIN RAZA KHAN Bahria Business School Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • TANVEER Management Studies Department Bahria Business School Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • ABDUL QAYYUM Noon Business School University of Sargodha, Pakistan Author


Environmental performance, Supply chain, environmental management system


The objective of this study is to present extensive in term of mapping on the antecedents and outcomes of environmental performance which is key concern for industries at present. The trending issues in the environment in quantitative papers are reviewed since 2011 to 2018. The systematized review of literature with explicitly dimensions of the environmental performance including all environmental aspects allows to pursue this research and role as well as mapping of our focal variable which is Environmental performance in the area of supply chain, production and operational management. This study provide comprehensive information about key issues about environmental aspects. Particularly, most of the researchers focused on green concept such as Green supply chain management (GSCM) practices but they adopted diverse determinants of Green supply chain management (GSCM) and there is limited research on lean practices. Thus, no research provides a standardized method for improvement. Some researcher postulated that such as resource dependence, stakeholder, relational view, institutional, resource-based view theories impact on environmental performance. However, there is a recommendation to develop a theory for green concept. No prior research combined the trending issues in area of supply chain, production and operations management. However, we conduct a study to combine these issues regarding environment. Heretofore, there is need to deal with emerging issues and rapid change in environment with standardized approach. This study helps to researchers, practitioners and mangers to develop a standardized method to deal with key concerns which is ultimately for the survival of firms and gain of competitive advantage in future.


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