
  • MUHAMMAD BILAL AHMAD BS English, Department of Humanities, COMSATS University Islamabad – Vehari Campus Author
  • NAVID JAMIL MALIK Professor, Department of Education, University of Sialkot, Sialkot Author
  • MUHAMMAD ASGHAR JAVED AL-AZHARI Visiting Faculty, University of Sahiwal, Sahiwal Author


Motivation, English learning,, Secondary schools


The motivational variables for learning English among English language learners were investigated in this study. The study's intended audience consisted of all English learners at the secondary school level in Pakistan. The researchers employed a technique known as purposive sampling to choose the samples for their study. We used the English Learning Motivation Scale (ELMS) questionnaire adapted from Li, Chuang, and Fu (2006) to collect information. The study's sample consisted of 300 English learners from secondary schools in Sialkot and Vehari, with the majority of the participants being female. In order to acquire results in terms of mean score and standard deviation, the data was analyzed using SPSS version 20. The study concluded that the English learners hope to make more friends due to their English proficiency; furthermore, it was also concluded that English learners are motivated to study the language because they believe English is the language of powerful nations and successful people. The majority of students believe that communicating well in English is a sign of intellect in those who speak it. The study discovered that English learners in Pakistan were highly motivated toward learning English.


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How to Cite

AHMAD, M. B. ., MALIK, N. J. ., & AL-AZHARI, M. A. J. . (2021). A STUDY ON MOTIVATIONAL FACTORS FOR ENGLISH LEARNING AMONG EFL LEARNERS AT SECONDARY SCHOOL LEVEL. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(3), 189-195. https://bbejournal.com/BBE/article/view/305