Occupational Stress, Emotional Intelligence, Clinical PerformanceAbstract
Nurses are going through the extensive physical and emotional burden, directing them to occupational stress. The shortfall of nurses is alarming after the pandemic of COVID -19. This study aimed to explore the ways to reduce occupational stress among nurses. It will help to alleviate their clinical performance. Frame-work of emotional intelligence is used as a mediating variable between occupational stress and clinical performance among nurses. This cross-sectional study was carried out in Multan, Pakistan in 2022. The population was nurses (currently employed) from four main hospitals (C.M.H, Nishter, Children Complex, and Cardiology Center). The sample size was 251 respondents and the survey method was used to gain data. Data were analyzed through SPSS. The results indicate that occupational stress is negatively correlated with emotional intelligence and clinical performance among nurses. Emotional intelligence is positively correlated with clinical performance. The significant impact of occupational stress on clinical performance is significant. Emotional intelligence had a fully mediating role between occupational stress and clinical performance among nurses. Married nurses reported to have higher occupational stress and lower emotional intelligence and clinical performance while nurses below 30 years reported high emotional intelligence and clinical performance but low occupational stress. Developing emotional intelligence and providing support and opportunities are crucial strategies to reduce occupational stress among nurses.
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