Impact of Online Learning on the Performance of Business Students
information and communication technologies, business performanceAbstract
The utilization of information and communication technologies (ICTs) has significantly transformed the education sector by introducing modifications to the execution of diverse educational endeavors. An expanding number of business programs are integrating online and blended learning approaches into their undergraduate, graduate, and executive education programs as a means to address the changing needs of students. The objectives of the study were to find out the effects of online learning on the performance of business students. The qualitative descriptive method was incorporated into the design of this study. Students who were enrolled in the business education program at one of the public institutions in Lahore constituted the participants of this research. The dependent variable was the performance of business pupils, while the independent variable was online education. A structured interview was employed as the instrument for gathering data. The researcher gathered data via in-person visits. Prior to data collection, participants were informed of the purpose of the study through prior appointments, and the confidentiality of their responses was guaranteed. Thematic analysis was employed to examine the data. Results of the study shows that online education has both positive and negative impacts on business education. Moreover, study found some strategies to mitigate the problems during online learning of business students. Ina addition study has some implications for future researches.
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