Exploring the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Resilience: A Clinical Psychological Perspective


  • Shazia Jabeen Lecturer & Chairperson, Department of Psychology Jinnah University for Women Author
  • Ziasma Haneef Khan Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Karachi Author
  • Mehwish Mursaleen Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Karachi Author




Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, Resilience


Clinical psychology is of paramount importance in elucidating, evaluating, and boosting the two critical dimensions of emotional intelligence (EI) and resilience among the many people who contend with various psychological distresses. This research paper tries to discuss the complex issue of emotional intelligence (EI) and tolerance with a special focus on high stress environments. While the impact of emotional intelligence and resilience individually have been supported by existing literature, the interaction of these two factors, especially in circumstances where individuals are exposed to major life disruptions or extreme stress, still require further exploration. Through the application of mixed methods approach, combining the quantitative data of EI and resilience level as well as qualitative interviews, this research attempts to discover which factors underlie the EI and resilience interconnections. The research findings should not only strengthen the existing theories but also offer credible practical recommendations on how to boost resilience-building initiatives in both public and private setups. In fact, emotional intelligence and resilience are non-separable resources in life's rollercoaster, success on both personal and professional scale and, on top of this, well-being in general. Through appreciation of the relevance of each component and their complementary nature, individuals can interpret and practice these qualities competently and thus thrive in current complex and rapid-changing world.


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How to Cite

Jabeen, S., Khan, Z. H., & Mursaleen, M. (2024). Exploring the Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Resilience: A Clinical Psychological Perspective. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(1). https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00215