The Dark Facet of Perceived Overqualification: Predictors and their Impact on Proactive Behavior




boredom proneness, perceived overqualification, perceived organization politics, Proactive behavior


According to the literature on perceived overqualification (POQ), previous researchers overlooked its predictors, mediating mechanism, and particularly the direct impact of POQ on proactive behavior. Integrating person-environment fit theory, this research aims to examine the POQ’s predictor (boredom proneness and perceived organizational politics) mediating mechanism and its effect on proactive behavior. Using a cross-sectional research design 189 responses were collected from diverse non-manufacturing sectors and evaluated utilizing partial least square structural equation modeling. The results depict that perceived organizational politics and boredom proneness significantly predict POQ. Similarly, our findings indicate that the direct association of POQ with proactive behavior was negative. Further, POQ mediates the relationship between predictors and outcomes. Theoretical and practical implications, limitations, and forthcoming recommendations of our research are discussed.


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How to Cite

Arshad, R. ., Abbas, J., Tufail , S., & Zulfiqar, A. . (2024). The Dark Facet of Perceived Overqualification: Predictors and their Impact on Proactive Behavior. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 53-64.