
  • SARFRAZ ZAMAN Superior University; Gold Campus, Lahore Author
  • FARRUKH ABBAS Assistant Professor; University of Okara Author
  • SUMBAL PARVEEN Visiting Faculty; University of Okara Author


e-learning using intention, perceived value,, student satisfaction, covid-19, China


The main purpose of the study is to examine the antecedents to e-learning using intention. The study has examined the continual model examining the impact of service quality, information quality, and system quality on the perceived value of e-learning. Meanwhile, the impact of the perceived value of e-learning on the satisfaction of the students during the time of COVID-19 is also examined. Finally, the impact of satisfaction of the students on the e-learning using intention is also examined. The study has employed structural equation modeling and data is analyzed using SEM-PL. The suggested e-learning systems continued with the adoption model which was investigated empirically by using the survey data from an appropriate sample containing graduates and undergraduates students which were 302 totals in number from the university in eastern Pakistan. This research work recognized different variables that impact the continuance intention of the digital learner while practicing the e-learning mechanism in universities. Finally, this research work focused to synchronize the two factors such as satisfaction and perceived value and the perception of continuance intention in line with a broad context investigation of variables that impact the continuance intentions of digital-learning programs in universities. By practicing the structural equation model (SEM) analysis, this research examines the general associations which play a significant role in observed learning satisfaction and value. The main purpose is not to investigate the particular courses, or the commonly followed procedure but rather to investigate a specific sample of digital users relating to attaining a general perspective regarding the e-learning mechanism which is provided in universities. The results would be significant for university students, academicians and policymakers as they seek to link practices and outcomes. The study is among the pioneers on the issues related to e-learning mechanisms in eastern Pakistan.


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How to Cite

ZAMAN, S. ., ABBAS, F. ., & PARVEEN, S. . (2021). FACTORS AFFECTING THE USE OF E-LEARNING LIBRARY SERVICES DURING COVID 19: THE STUDY OF BUSINESS MANAGEMENT STUDENTS. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(3), 226-338. https://bbejournal.com/BBE/article/view/334