
  • ANAM SIDRA School of Management Sciences, The Superior College, Lahore Author


supply chain management practices, E-business, Trust deficit, Efficiency measurements


Purpose of this study was to analyze selection, of supply chain management practices on the performance of e- business in Pakistan. This is a quantitative research where surveys have been conducted in e-business sector of Pakistan; primary data have been collected through questionnaire. Findings of the research have shown that although supply chain management practices such as purchasing intension, logistical service are very important factors in the competitive market environment for e-business sector. Owing to the multidisciplinary nature of online shopping, it would be very interesting to compare supply chain management practices to other disciplines that study online shopping attitudes and behavior. Both consumers and suppliers need to be made more aware of the environmental implications of their respective purchasing behavior and distribution methods in e-business. The paper offers perceptions to reduce the trust deficit on e-business through supply chain management practices.


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How to Cite

SIDRA, A. . (2021). ROLE OF SUPPLY CHAIN PRACTICES IN REDUCING TRUST DEFICIT ON E- BUSINESS IN PAKISTAN. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(3), 247-252.