Unit root test (ADF),, Johansen’s Co-integration, VECM, ARDL, GMM, RobustnessAbstract
The study seeks to analyze the developed and emerging countries forecasting the business market strategy of Stock Markets index and Exchange rate index and impact on the country's economy from 1991 to 2021. Annually date of nine developed and nine emerging countries has been considered as sample data for this study. Unit-root-test for stationary, Johansen’s Co-integration, VECM, Granger Causality, ARDL, GMM (panel data) applied to test the short run/long-run impact, association, and behavior of variables among the economic development, stock return and exchange rates. Result of stock returns and exchange rate indicates highly significant and asymmetrical relationships exist each other and with countries growth. Robustness test validates the finding of study. Recommendation and implication are cleared; investment efficiency, portfolio diversification and exchange management to make significant investment decision and predict market behavior, preventive actions for validate both markets.
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