ethical leadership, service sabotage behaviou, quality of workAbstract
The main objective of this study is to estimate the effect of ethical leadership on Service Sabotage Behaviour. Study motivated with Pakistan financial organizational employee’s ethical standard. Study used 203 participant financial organization employees’ data and applied descriptive, correlation, regression and robustness test for estimation. Result of study indicated ethical leadership highly significant effect on Service Sabotage Behaviour, therefore, mediator role of Emotional dissonance, burnout and organizational commitment highly significant impact on enhancing service sabotage behaviour. Ethical standard and principles not established in organization a solid route cause for employee’s service sabotage behaviours. Employee’s behaviour highly important for organization, quality of work, profit ratio maintains through employees efficient behaviour and ethical leadership role enhance when organization implement principles and avoid behaviour reactions, recommended for ethical leaderships must focus on employee’s behaviour to avoid service sabotage behaviour.
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