The Effect of Sustainable HRM Practices on Organizational Sustainability in Textile Industry of Pakistan


  • Aimun Khawaja PhD Scholar, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Shahab Alam Malik Professor, Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Khalida Naseem Janjua Minhaj University, Lahore, Pakistan Author



Organizational Sustainability, Sustainable HRM Practices, Socially Responsible HRM Practices, Green HRM Practices, Triple Bottom Line HRM Practices and Common Good HRM Practices


The objective of this research was to assess how sustainable HRM practices affect the Organizational Sustainability. Sustainable HRM practices as portrayed in this paper include four HRM bundles specifically: there are SR-HRM practices which include; Green HRM or GHRM practices, the Triple Bottom Line HRM or TBL HRM practices and Common Good HRM (CGHRM). The relationship has been explained with the perspective of ability-motivation-opportunity enhancing (AMO) theory which has provided useful means for this investigation (Appelbaum & Berg, 2001). With respect to this study Organizational Sustainability is understood as an integration of a number of factors including “Financial Sustainability, Governance Sustainability, Environmental Management Sustainability and Pollution Control Measures and Employee related sustainability. The primary data was collected from the 643 managers and supervisors working in Textile Sector of Pakistan. The hypotheses which stated that sustainable HRM practices and Organizational Sustainability do have correlation were upheld. In the context of organizational sustainability, Sustainable HRM practices have a significant and positive impact.


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How to Cite

Khawaja, A. ., Malik, S. A. ., & Janjua, K. N. . (2024). The Effect of Sustainable HRM Practices on Organizational Sustainability in Textile Industry of Pakistan. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(3), 422-428.