Exploring the Mediating Role of Job Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Online Knowledge Sharing and Employee Innovation: Evidence from IT Companies in Pakistan


  • Warda Naseem Doctoral Researcher and Entrepreneur Author
  • Dr. Allah Baksh Khan Dean Faculty of Management Sciences, Times Institute, Multan, Pakistan Author




Job Self-Efficacy (JSE). Online Knowledge Sharing (OKS). Employee Innovation (EI). Structural Equation Modelling (SEM). IT Companies. Knowledge-sharing environments. Organizational Innovation. Digital Collaboration


This study investigates the moderating influence of Job self-efficacy on the established relationship between Online knowledge sharing and Employee innovation within the context of IT companies in Pakistan. A sample of 422 full-time employees was assessed using scales, and the proposed relationships were analyzed through structural equation modelling. The research findings indicate a direct and indirect positive relationship between OKS and EI, with test results suggesting that JSE serves a mediating role. The utilization of social media as a medium for knowledge dissemination among employees serves as a predictor of innovative behaviour, a relationship that is further amplified by the presence of job self-efficacy. It further underscores the significance of the JSE in enhancing the innovation of employees, particularly those engaged in environments centered around digital knowledge sharing. This study enhances the comprehension of organisational innovation by highlighting the significance of psychological states, such as self-efficacy, in moderating the impact of knowledge-sharing activities on innovation. The research presents significant considerations for managers and organizations, suggesting that interventions aimed at bolstering employees' self-efficacy may amplify the positive effects of online knowledge sharing on innovation. By establishing environments that foster Digital Collaboration and bolster self-confidence, organizations can significantly elevate the innovative capacities of their employees. The observations presented here are particularly pertinent in the current landscape of an expanding global digital workplace, where technologies for knowledge management and sharing are increasingly becoming fundamental tools in work processes. In summary, the findings of this study highlight the importance of fostering job self-efficacy to promote innovation through the facilitation of online knowledge sharing.


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How to Cite

Naseem, W. ., & Khan, A. B. . (2024). Exploring the Mediating Role of Job Self-Efficacy in the Relationship between Online Knowledge Sharing and Employee Innovation: Evidence from IT Companies in Pakistan. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(3), 450-458. https://doi.org/10.61506/