Foreign Direct Investment and Public Health: A Comparative Review of OIC and Non-OIC Countries


  • Hina Hafiz MS Scholar, Department of Commerce and Finance, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Nourena Shahzadi MS Scholar, Department of Commerce and Finance, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Sadia Idress School of Economics, Banking and Finance, University Uatra Malaysia Author
  • Saif Ur Raman Associate Professor, faculty of Economics and Commerce, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan Author



FDI, Renewable energy, CO2, OIC and non OIC Countries


The main objective of this study is to examine the relationship of Foreign Direct Investment, CO2 on public Health in 31 OIC & Non OIC countries facing health issues covering the time period of 2000 to 2022. The study also provides the empirical and theoretical literature on the health issues. Firstly, it gives an outline of FDI, GDP, CO2, urbanization and renewable energy on public health (Infant motility rate, life expectancy and education). Secondly, it also examines published literature on the bases of empirical and theoretical perspective. In addition to that this paper explains that how Foreign Direct Investment, GDP, Carbon di Omissions, urbanization, renewable energy Infant motility rate, life expectancy and education are associated with each other. Thirdly, this study suggests future research directions for researchers. The study also adds literature on the part of Foreign Direct Investment, CO2, GDP, urbanization, renewable energy and public health (Infant motility rate, life expectancy & education) in some OIC and Non OIC countries by evaluating and summarizing available theories and research on FDI, CO2, Renewable energy and public health.


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How to Cite

Hafiz, H. ., Shahzadi, N. ., Idress, S. ., & Raman, S. U. . (2024). Foreign Direct Investment and Public Health: A Comparative Review of OIC and Non-OIC Countries. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(3), 459-463.