Fostering Knowledge Flow in Organizations: Ethical Leadership on Knowledge Sharing: Mediating Role of OCB and Moderation of Entrepreneur Orientation


  • Zia Yazdanie Master of Business Administration (MBA), School of Economics and Management, North University of China (NUC), Taiyuan, Shanxi, China Author



Ethical leadership, knowledge sharing, organizational behavior, entrepreneur orientation


The primary objective of this study was to examine how ethical leadership enhances knowledge sharing practices (KS). This study investigates the relationship between ethical leadership (EL) and knowledge sharing (KS). Organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) as a mediator was explored in this study. 325 participants (supervisors and employees) from manufacturing industries were selected for the data collection. The study's findings revealed that EL has positive and significant effect on KS. OCB partially mediates the stated relationship. The study's findings align with the suggested mediation and moderation framework. The developing country like Pakistan, ethical leadership in manufacturing industries is a novel concept, and more study is required to identify issues related to share information, skills, and experience in employees and evaluate the dynamic effects of leadership styles in manufacturing sectors.


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How to Cite

Yazdanie, Z. . (2024). Fostering Knowledge Flow in Organizations: Ethical Leadership on Knowledge Sharing: Mediating Role of OCB and Moderation of Entrepreneur Orientation. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 1278-1289.