
  • MAHTAB AHMAD PhD Scholar, Hailiey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • MUQQADAS REHMAN Director, Institute of Business and Admnistration (IBA), University of the Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • ABID HUSSAIN PhD Scholar, Hailiey College of Commerce, University of the Punjab, Pakistan Author


Service Dominant Logic,, Value co-creation, Digital Content Marketing


Internet and Communication Technologies (ICTs) have provided multiple and ubiquitous opportunities of co-creation and also enhanced consumer empowerment in this process. Thus, new platforms have emerged with enhanced level of collaboration and engagement among multiple actors. Considering this, the main aim of this study is to explore the relationship between Value Co-creation and Digital Content Marketing and what are the experiences of online customers in value co-creation process. To address the aim of the study, a qualitative enquiry has been adopted as a particularly useful method to capture rich subjective experiences that occurs subjectively to an individual human being. Online customers related to ‘Pure Click basis platforms’ in Pakistan are selected as a population. The online platform Daraz.pk is selected as a case study for this research. A sample of 14 respondents keeping in view diminishing return principle are selected for data collection through in-depth interviews from online customers of Daraz.pk. Subsequently, transcription and analysis of these interviews carried out with the help of ‘QSR NVivo 12-Plus’ software. Factors that affect digital content marketing are attraction, conversion and retention which show hierarchal process. Digital content marketing influence online customers to be a part of an auto value co-creation without special initiatives by adopting factors of co-learning, co-production, co-transparency and co-freedom.


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How to Cite

AHMAD, M. ., REHMAN, M. ., & HUSSAIN, A. . (2021). EXPLORING RELATIONSHIP OF VALUE CO-CREATION AND DIGITAL CONTENT MARKETING: A PERSPECTIVE OF ONLINE CONSUMERS IN PAKISTAN. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(3), 118-128. https://bbejournal.com/BBE/article/view/268