Green HRM Practices, Green Volunteer Behavior, Psychological OwnershipAbstract
As the world embraces sustainability and environmental thinking, organizations are increasingly recognizing the importance of integrating green practices into their human resource management (HRM) processes. This study examines the complex dynamics between green HRM practices, green volunteer behavior (GVB), and the mediating role of intellectual ownership (PO) in the banking sector. The findings indicate that organizations in this category have adopted moderate levels of green HRM practices. Importantly, research reveals that GHRM practices positively influence employee psychological ownership, which in turn encourages green volunteer practices. The mediation analysis shows the significant effect of psychological ownership on the relationship between Green HRM and volunteer green practices. This suggests that fostering a sense of intellectual ownership among employees is important for meaningful communication in sustainability initiatives. These results highlight the importance of implementing green HRM practices as well as enhancing employees’ psychological connections with these practices to enhance their engagement in sustainability initiatives in the 1990s. Organizations seeking to improve their sustainability efforts can leverage their employees’ commitment and passion for environmental goals through the intermediary role of mind ownership relies on considering human resources in green.
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