Digital Transformation, Regional Policies, Export Resilience, Market DisruptionsTechnology Adoption, Economic Resilience, Public-Private Partnerships, Digital Strategies, Innovation, Export Diversification, Social EntrepreneurshipAbstract
This study investigates the complex relationship between digital transformation, regional policies, and export resilience, with a specific focus on how social entrepreneurship factors into this dynamic. The research aimed to determine how these elements collectively shape a region’s adaptability and competitiveness in the global export market. Key findings indicate that digital transformation significantly enhances export resilience, as regions with advanced digital maturity exhibit greater agility and competitiveness during market disruptions. Moreover, regional policies play a pivotal mediating role by creating an environment conducive for businesses to adopt digital technologies and promote collaboration and innovation. The study also revealed that social entrepreneurship represents a valuable means of improving export resilience through digital transformation, as social enterprises can leverage technologies to expand opportunities while generating social impact. However, realizing this potential requires regional policies aimed at supporting social entrepreneurs with resources for digital skills development and technology adoption. Overall, the research underscores the need for a comprehensive strategy integrating technology adoption, supportive policies, and promotion of social entrepreneurship to reinforce a region’s capability to successfully navigate market disruptions and achieve resilient, sustainable export growth.
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