Political Comics: An Emerging Trend in Social Media and Its Impact on Youth
Social Media, Political Comics, Impact, YouthAbstract
Youth of today is greatly influenced by different social media platforms e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or X etc. These social media platforms offer them enormous opportunities to explore and learn new concepts and practices. This research aimed to study the emerging trend of political comics on different social media platforms and how it impacts the youth in Pakistan. This study is composed of survey analysis. This study was survey research, in which a close-ended questionnaire was used to collect the data from a sample of 120 undergraduate students of Lahore district including an equal number of male and female. The study explored that political comics have some hidden meanings that have strong psychological impacts on young social media users. T-test analysis shows that political comics have both positive and negative impacts. This research concludes that nationalism and trust on state machinery is strongly damaged if its political leaders have a negative image among youth. This may lead to more political polarization among youth. This study also explores that social media plays a healthy role in political awareness with a strong and extensive impact.
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