Impact of Entrepreneurial Skills on Business Success: A Mediating Role of Information Technology Competence
Entrepreneurial, Information technology, Chamber of commerce, Capability, CompetenceAbstract
Information technology capabilities and entrepreneurial talents have become more important in recent decades. Because day by day business growing with the help of technology. The purpose of this study is to look into how information technology capability and entrepreneur competencies affect the success of businesses. To evaluate the impact of entrepreneurial skills on business success mediating role of information technology capacity. The research was quantitative in method; a survey questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection. The population of the study was Hyderabad city business owners who had founded their enterprises in the recent past, the Hyderabad Chamber of Commerce. Convenience sampling technique was used for data collection. 500 questionnaires were distributed among the respondents; 320 questionnaires were returned. The study's conclusions demonstrated that entrepreneurial skills are positively correlated with business success, and that information technology, which served as a mediating factor, positively correlated with both entrepreneurial skills and business success. Policy makers and businesspeople will find value in the research's conclusions.
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