HR policies and its impact on job satisfaction among employees in FMCGs in Karachi, Pakistan
human resource policies, job satisfaction, organization, peopleAbstract
The main purpose of this study is to analyze the impact of Human resource policies and practices on the job satisfaction. Because these are the guidelines that Human resource manager of the organizations adopts in managing its people. In this study a total of 384 Questionnaires were distributed among different participants in Karachi and 172 were received with a response rate of 51.67%. To collect the required information closed-ended questionnaire was used and were divided into three part; initially questionnaire identify the demographic factors of the respondents, then highlight the Likert scale options 1 being strongly disagreed and 5 strongly agree. In findings of the research we conclude that HR policies and practices have greater impact on job satisfaction. Findings revealed a positive relationship among independent and dependent variable and job satisfaction suggest how efficient and effective employees could be when they are highly satisfied on the job. Therefore, organizations need to apply these tested variable in their policies in order to make employees satisfy on their jobs.
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