The Impact of Social Media Addiction on Exacerbating Loneliness among Youth
Human resource development, efficiency, training and development CPEC Centre, cultural connectivity, employment opportunities, Multiplier effectAbstract
In the early 21st century, social media platforms grew worldwide. Since then, these sites have become a big part of people's lives, especially Youth. Many people use social media, particularly Facebook, to interact with others, learn, grow, and improve their social life. Social networking sites expand people's social circles, improve their communication skills, broaden their perspectives, and broaden their education and career opportunities. Where social media have many positive effects, there is some significant negative impact on people's life. This descriptive study used simple random sampling (N=394, males=210, and Females=184). Two postgraduate colleges and the University of Okara's students were selected as the study population. The study revealed that social loneliness is significantly different across the use of social media. The study results showed that people who use extreme social media sites suffer loneliness. The study suggests that people should decrease social media sites on regular bases.
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