Factors Affecting Consumer Brand Loyalty in Pakistan


  • Sonia Ismat Lecturer, Institute of Management Sciences, Pakistan Author
  • Mazhar Ali Alyani University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Inam Makki Khan Chang An University xian Shaanxi China, School of Economics and Management, China Author
  • Dr. Wajiha Yasir Lecturer, Army Burnhall College for Girls Abbottabad, Pakistan Author
  • Azhar Ali Alyani Student of Bachelor of Public Administration at University of Sindh, Jamshoro, Pakistan Author




customer, brand loyalty, Pakistan


This study explores the relationship between customer brand loyalty, brand experience, and image. The proposed model is formulated within the framework of Pakistan's aviation industry. Customers and brands are said to have a stronger bond when there is brand loyalty. Here, an effort is made to investigate clients' preferences for purchasing services regularly. This study's examination reveals the elements that drive brand loyalty among consumers. The problem of brand loyalty in Pakistan's aviation industry has been noted, and insightful solutions are being offered to address this issue. Future researchers will benefit from the theoretical framework's improved understanding of concepts and foundation for use in many service situations.


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How to Cite

Ismat, S. ., Alyani, M. A. ., Khan, M. I. M. ., Yasir, W. ., & Alyani, A. A. . (2023). Factors Affecting Consumer Brand Loyalty in Pakistan. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 12(3), 855-860. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00142