Effect of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Employee Outcomes: Examining the Moderating Role of Trust in Management


  • Muhammamd Shaukat Malik Professor, Institute of Banking and Finance, Bahauddin Zakarya University, Multan, Pakistan Author
  • Fareeha Malik` Research scholar, Institute of Banking and Finance, Bahauddin Zakarya University, Multan, Pakistan Author
  • Laraib Aslam Lecturer, Research Scholar, Institute of Banking and Finance, Bahauddin Zakarya University, Multan, Pakistan Author




HRM, CSR disclosure, Employee Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, Trust in Management & SET


This paper has examined the relationship among HRM practices, CSR disclosure and employee outcomes. This study contributes to previous literature by examining the moderating impact of trust in management among HRM practices_ employee outcomes, and CSR disclosure_employee outcomes relationships. Based on theory of Social information processing (SIP) trust in management was taken as moderator among HRM practices and employee outcomes. While, on the basis of Social exchange theory (SET) trust in management was taken as moderator among CSR disclosure and employee outcomes. This study sample consist of 250 managerial employees from banking sector of Pakistan. Primary data was collected through physical distribution of structured questionnaires and analysed using various statistical tools like, correlation and regression analysis with the help of SPSS software. Results showed affirmative link among HRM practices, CSR disclosure and employee outcomes. Moderation of trust in management among above relations is also confirmed.


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How to Cite

Malik, M. S. ., Malik`, F. ., & Aslam, L. . (2023). Effect of Human Resource Management Practices and Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure on Employee Outcomes: Examining the Moderating Role of Trust in Management. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 12(3), 835-843. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00149