Exploring the Influence of Corporate and Shariah Governance on the Profitability of Banks and their Islamic Windows: A Comprehensive Study of Pakistan
Shariah Governance, Islamic Windows, Pakistan, Corporate Governance, ProfitabilityAbstract
The main purpose of our study is to take a look at how it impacts corporate governance and shariah governance on the profitability of conventional banks of Pakistan and their Islamic windows, one more objective of this study is to investigate whether there is any significant difference in the profitability of conventional banks after opening of Islamic windows. Our research study's theoretical basis draws from corporate governance theories, agency theory, resource dependence theory, and Islamic finance principles. By examining the relationships between these independent variables and the dependent variables (ROA and ROE) our study aims to provide insights into the factors influencing the financial performance of Shariah-compliant banks. Our study is based on 10 conventional banks which also provide Islamic windows. For our analysis in the current study, we will use annual data that covers the period from 2013 to 2022. To achieve these objectives we are using a linear regression model and paired sample t-test. Our findings conclude that bank age and board size have a significant positive impact on corporate governance in contrast, board diversity has a significant but negative impact on the ROA of conventional banks on the other hand bank size and board independence do not have any impact on ROA and if we talk about ROE board size and board independence had a helpful important impact on ROE while bank size bank age and board diversity doesn't have any significant impact on ROE of conventional banks of Pakistan. In the case of Shariah governance, only the Shariah board has a significant positive effect on ROA and ROE ratio on the other hand remuneration and charities don’t have any effect on the Islamic windows of conventional banks. We further discover no substantial variation in the ROA & ROE of Pakistani conventional banks following the establishment of Islamic windows. The findings of this study suggest that the government of Pakistan should focus on promoting good corporate governance practices in banks, especially regarding board size, bank age, board diversity, and shariah board because these factors increase the profitability of conventional banks.
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