Sustainability Amplified: Servitization, Integration and Buyer-Supplier Nexus
Buyer-Supplier Relationship Connectors, Servitization, Sustainable Supply Chain Performance, Manufacturing Sector of PakistanAbstract
This study examines the dynamics of buyer-supplier relationship connectors and sustainable supply chain performance, with the moderating role of the level of Servitization and the mediating role of Supply Chain Integration. A purposive sampling survey conducted by a well-structured questionnaire has been administered through a sample of 120 organizations. The manufacturing industries of Pakistan, including, automotive, textile, chemical, electronics, and pharmaceutical were selected for data collection. Using the theoretical lens of Social Exchange Theory, the outcomes reveal that a positive relationship exists between buyer-supplier relationships and sustainable supply chain performance. The results imply that companies that actively engage in building strong and collaborative relationships with their suppliers are expected to achieve higher levels of sustainability in their operations. Moreover, through a mediated moderating model, supply chain integration and servitization emerged as significant mediators and moderator among buyer-supplier relationships and sustainable supply chain performance. Besides the theoretical contribution, this study offers substantial evidence to policymakers regarding how to improve and reshape their relations to accomplish supply chain integration and enhance sustainable supply chain performance.
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