Enhancing the Theory of Planned Behavior with Perceived Consumer Effectiveness and Environmental Concern towards Pro-Environmental Purchase Intentions for Eco-Friendly Apparel: A Review Article


  • Sehrash Gul Department of commerce, University of Sargodha, Pakistan Author
  • Waseem Ahmed waseem.ahmed@cdu.edu.au Author




Pro-environmental purchase, local market conditions, environmental concern, environmental concern, personal moral norms


The textile sector has become a significant source of pollution due to increasing carbon emissions, heightened greenhouse gas emissions, and growing landfill contributions. In response, the industry is turning towards sustainable fashion, which is gaining popularity as an eco-friendly practice. This study utilized the theory of planned behavior (TPB) alongside variables such as environmental concern, personal moral norms, and perceived consumer effectiveness to predict eco-friendly apparel purchasing intentions among educated Indian youth. The research applied variance-based partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) to assess the proposed model. Results revealed that perceived behavioral control significantly and positively impacts purchasing intentions, followed by personal moral norms, general attitude, and perceived consumer effectiveness. Environmental concern was shown to indirectly influence purchasing intentions via the primary TPB variables and personal moral norms. Additionally, multi-group analysis (MGA) was used to investigate the moderating effects of perceived consumer effectiveness on the attitude-intention relationship, finding that individuals with higher perceived effectiveness displayed a more consistent attitude-intention correlation compared to those with lower perceived effectiveness. This study offers valuable insights for professionals and policymakers, suggesting the development of tailored sustainable marketing strategies and policies to address local market conditions.


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How to Cite

Gul, S. ., & Ahmed, W. . (2024). Enhancing the Theory of Planned Behavior with Perceived Consumer Effectiveness and Environmental Concern towards Pro-Environmental Purchase Intentions for Eco-Friendly Apparel: A Review Article. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(1). https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00270