Examining the Effect of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Conflict on Job Dissatisfaction and Employees Turnover Intention in the Health Care Sector of Pakistan


  • Tayyaba Iqbal PhD Scholar, Business Administration, Iqra University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • Muhammad Waqas Raja Assistant Professor, Business Administration, Iqra University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author




Interpersonal, Intrapersonal Conflict, Job Dissatisfaction, Turnover Intention


This study explains the effect of conflicts within individuals and between individuals in the healthcare industry, and examines their impact on employees' intentions to leave the organization. The objective of this study is to thoroughly examine the impact of certain factors, such as conflicts within oneself and conflicts with others, on employees' intention to leave their current positions. In addition, the study examines the moderating influence of perceived organizational support and the mediating role of job dissatisfaction. A structured questionnaire consisting of 40 items will be utilized to gather relevant insights and collect data. The analytical framework incorporates a variety of statistical tests, including factor analysis, descriptive statistics, reliability tests, correlation tests were performed using Smart PLS. In this study all the hypothesis were found significant.  We found that interpersonal conflict with the supervisor has a positive influence on the turnover intentions of the young worker and an insignificant effect on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Similarly a significant positive impact of intra-personal conflict on turnover intentions were people usually perceive themselves in a personality which also defines how they are going to react towards conflict resolution. We also found that intra-personal conflict of an individual causes barrier against their ability to resolve conflict as their desires and intentions. We also conclude that there is a significant positive impact of intra-personal conflict on the job dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction plays a vital role among employee’s productivity and intention to stay in organization as job satisfaction has been defined as an internal happy feeling of an employee which caused by number of factors like good education, experience, work nature, job security, presence of work-life balance, chances of better career development opportunity. 


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How to Cite

Iqbal, T. ., & Raja, M. W. . (2024). Examining the Effect of Interpersonal and Intrapersonal Conflict on Job Dissatisfaction and Employees Turnover Intention in the Health Care Sector of Pakistan. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 181-188. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00314