Study of Firm Performance: EMS Adopter Firms to Achieve Sustainable Business Goals


  • Muhammad Raees Ashraf Phd Scholar, Department of Business Administration, University of Sialkot, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Kausar Abbas Associate Professor, Department of Business Administration, University of Sialkot, Pakistan Author



Environmental Management Systems (EMS), Environmental Performance, Competitive Advantage, Sustainable Development Goals, Panel Data Analysis, Generalized Method of Moments (GMM)


EMS effectiveness is studied concerning financial, environmental, and competitive outcomes among corporations. A comparative analysis of Companies with EMS integrated into their management systems will be made with those Companies without EMS in this research. EMS’s contribution to business sustainability is also analyzed and validated with the help of quantitative research methods including panel data using the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) and regression analysis. The research focuses on the differences in the financial results, the positive impact on the natural environment, and competitive advantage of enterprises that voluntarily apply the EMS compared to those that do not. The findings of this study shown that EMS adoption enhance environmental performance and offer competitive advantage by enhancing stakeholder relations and market positioning. This alters the nature and benefits that organizations experience while implementing EMS as some companies initially experience cost implications and functioning challenges but in the long run, EMS brings profitability and cost-effectiveness. It may provide more information on how EMS promotes and can sustain responsible business activities and the most effective means of doing so. The above analysis may be useful to firms and policy makers in understanding how to encourage sustainability that will benefit economies and the natural environment in the long-term.


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How to Cite

Ashraf, M. R. ., & Abbas, K. . (2024). Study of Firm Performance: EMS Adopter Firms to Achieve Sustainable Business Goals. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 357-361.