Unveiling Charismatic Leadership: Catalysts of Positive Work Attitude, Job Involvement, and Work Engagement


  • Nasir Javed Awan nasijaved1212@gmail.com Author




Charismatic Leadership, Organizational Performance, Job Satisfaction, Positive Work Attitude, Job Involvement, and Work Engagement


This research investigates the significant effects of charismatic leadership on employee job outcomes within the evolving landscape of Pakistan's pharmaceutical industry. Specifically, it delves into how charismatic leadership shapes positive work attitude, job involvement, and work engagement, with job satisfaction acting as a pivotal mediating factor. By adopting a robust quantitative approach, comprehensive data were meticulously gathered from 210 employees spanning various hierarchical levels within the pharmaceutical sector, ensuring a rich and diverse dataset. The empirical findings unequivocally demonstrate significant positive associations between charismatic leadership and the targeted job outcomes. These results not only highlight the transformative potential of charismatic leadership in fostering a more motivated and committed workforce but also underscore the indispensable role of job satisfaction as a critical mediator in these relationships. This research offers compelling evidence that cultivating charismatic leadership qualities among managers can lead to substantial enhancements in employee attitudes and behaviours, thereby driving overall job satisfaction and organizational performance.  Moreover, the study suggests that these leadership practices have broader applicability across diverse cultural contexts and industries. Theoretical implications reinforce the Leader-Member Exchange Theory, while practical recommendations advocate for leadership development programmes to incorporate charismatic leadership as a strategy to improve organizational performance and reduce turnover intention. Future research should extend these findings by exploring different sectors and employing varied methodologies to further validate and expand upon these results.


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How to Cite

Awan, N. J. . (2024). Unveiling Charismatic Leadership: Catalysts of Positive Work Attitude, Job Involvement, and Work Engagement. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 532-545. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00362