Role of Time Management in Developing Self- Regulating Study Habits among Students at University Level
study habits, university students, time managementAbstract
The research work conducted on the topic of role of time management in developing self-regulating study habits among students at University level. In order to achieve the objectives, this study used descriptive survey design. Total population was 792 students from public sector universities of okara region. 70% sample of total population was selected. Consequently, 167 male and 217 female students were selected from University of Okara. Whereas, 91 male 80 female students were selected from the University of Agriculture Faisalabad ( sub campus Depalpur Okara). All of these students were selected from various departments (Statistics, Islamic Studies, Physics, Mathematics, Education, Biology, English, Zoology, Chemistry, and Computer Science). A self-structured questionnaire was used to collect data for the students. It was a 5-point scale type consisting 40 statements along with 2 questions as open ended to assess the role of time management in developing self-regulating study habits among students at university level. Systematic random sampling method was used to select sample size of 555 students. The purpose of this study was to achieve the following objectives, 1 assess the effect of time management on self-regulating study habits of students at university level, 2 to analyze the important factors that affect the study habits of students at university level, 3 to compare the effect of time management techniques on the basis of gender, locality, university and departments (science and arts). Present study was aimed to answer the following questions, 1) how the time management effect self-regulating study habits of students at university level? 2) What are the factors that affect the study habits of students at university level? 3) What is the effect of time management techniques on the basis of gender, locality, university and departments (science and arts)? The results help in the field of education specially and for the bright future of students generally. The major findings of this study indicate that majority of the students have agreed about the importance of time management for achieving high ranks at university level. They feel stressed due to over work and try to minimize interruptions. Most of the students have reported that they share their academic issues with family and home environment affect the students grades. Students also reported that class environment also affects student learning. The study concluded that importance of time management can never be neglected. It indicates that time management is a key to success and is very important for the development of self-regulating study habits among students at university level. The study also concluded that there is no significant difference between the students on the basis of gender, locality, university and science and arts departments regarding the role of time management in developing self-regulating study habits among students at university level.
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