Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: The Impact of AI Design on Consumer Perception and Buying Behavior in the FMCG Sector


  • Muhammad Waqas Farooq Ph.D. Scholar, Business and Management Sciences Department, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Khawaja Hisham Ul Hassan Associate Professor, Faculty of Economics and Commerce, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Faiza Nawaz M.Phil, Business and Management Sciences Department, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author



AI designs, consumer perception, consumer buying behavior, consumer literacy, FMCG sector


The motivation behind this examination is to explore the relationship between AI designs, consumer perception, consumer buying behaviour, and consumer literacy in Pakistan's fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG). To apply ethnography to research the consumer’s buying behaviour in the context of AI designs in the FMCG Sector. This study used the mixed-method approach, a quantitative exploration plan and utilised a survey method to collect data from 250 FMCG sector consumers in Lahore via an online self-administered survey. The paper applied SEM to examine the hypotheses and analyze the data. The qualitative portion used eight in-depth semi-structured interviews for data collection. The paper found that AI designs affected consumer perception (CP), consumer perception (CP) affected by consumer buying behaviour (CBB), and CP intervened in the impact of AI designs on CBB. Consumer literacy (CL) is moderated between consumer perception (CP) and consumer buying behaviour (CBB). The findings also reveal the positive impact of AI on consumer buying behaviour, through individual perspectives. The study adds to the works on the link between AI designs, CP, CBB, and CL in the FMCG business. It gives experimental proof to help the hypotheses that AI designs influence CP, CP influences CBB, and CP explains the impact of AI designs on CBB, CL moderated between CP and CBB.  AI designs can enhance consumer perception and buying behaviour of FMCG products, leading to higher market performance and customer satisfaction. FMCG companies can use AI to innovate, customize, and educate their products and services for different consumer segments. The research aims to identify the association between AI designs, CP, CBB and CL in the FMCG industry. It offers an original viewpoint on how AI designs can improve CP, how CP can prompt CBB, and how consumer literacy is moderated between CP and CBB in the fast-moving consumer goods business.


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How to Cite

Farooq, M. W. ., Hassan, K. H. U. ., & Nawaz, F. . (2024). Integrating Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: The Impact of AI Design on Consumer Perception and Buying Behavior in the FMCG Sector. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 775-786.