Empirical Study to Evaluate Financial Fitness of Listed Commercial Banks of Pakistan
Liquidity, Cash ratio, Current ratio, Efficiency, Financial Fraud, Financial performanceAbstract
The main purpose of this research is to find the effect of financial fraud, bank size, liquidity, solvency, and efficiency on the financial performance of selected Pakistani commercial banking sector. This research is conducted for assessing the financial stability of the commercial Banking sector of Pakistan. In this research, the ratio analysis technique is adopted for investigating the financial performance of the Banking Sector for the period 2012 to 2018. This study found that bank size, financial fraud, efficiency, solvency and liquidity have a significant impact on the financial performance of commercial banks in Pakistan. This research suggested that commercial banking zone working in Pakistan should be brought into being place fraud discernment appliance by framing up a well-organized and systematic, well-established, and reliable and operating fraud detection sub-division to supervise all the transactions that are contemplated vulnerable to fraudulent practices to minimization vice for them to maximization of profits for better monetary/financial progress/performance.
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