To Gain Sustainable Competitive Advantages (SCA) Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Over Competitors


  • Muhammad Waqas Farooq Ph.D. Scholar, Business and Management Sciences Department, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Faiza Nawaz M.Phil. Business and Management Sciences Department, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Raja Irfan Sabir Associate Professor, UCP Business School, Lahore, Pakistan Author



Artificial intelligence, Digital capacity, Sustainable competitive advantage, Telecom sector, Pakistan


The motivation behind this examination is to explore the relationship between AI, DC, and SCA in the telecom business in Pakistan. The paper embraced a quantitative exploration plan and utilized a survey method to collect data from 235 telecom sector employees and managers of three distinct hierarchical levels. The paper applied SEM to examine the hypotheses and analyse the data. The paper found that artificial intelligence affected digital capacity (DC), DC meaningfully affected SCA, and DC intervened in the impact of AI on SCA. The study adds to the works on the link between AI, DC, and SCA in the telecom business. It gives experimental proof to help the hypotheses that artificial intelligence influences DC, DC influences SCA, and DC explains the impact of AI on SCA. The paper gives helpful experiences to telecom sector employees and policymakers. It suggests that telecom companies should make investments in AI technologies and applications to improve their DC, which can help them gain a competitive advantage. Also, it recommends that policymakers work with and support the telecom business to execute DC and AI because these advancements can help financial development, effectiveness, and innovation. The research aims to identify the association between AI, DC, and SCA in the telecom industry in Pakistan. It offers an original viewpoint on how artificial intelligence can improve DC and how DC can prompt SCA in the telecom business.


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How to Cite

Farooq, M. W. ., Nawaz, F. ., & Sabir, R. I. . (2024). To Gain Sustainable Competitive Advantages (SCA) Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Over Competitors. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(2), 1026-1033.