Optimizing Employee Well-Being through Occupational Therapy Interventions: Assessing the Role of Work Environment Adaptation


  • Hiba Khan Occupational Therapist / Lecturer, ZCOT, Ziauddin University Author
  • Amber Occupational Therapist, Aga Khan University Hospital Author
  • Shaikh Maria Tabassum Occupational Therapist / Lecturer, ZCOT, Ziauddin University Author
  • Urooj Saghir Occupational Therapist / Lecturer, ZCOT, Ziauddin University Author




Employee Wellbeing, Occupational Therapy Interventions, Work Life Balance, Work Environment, Job Demand Resource Theory, Employee Engagement


This study explores the impact of occupational therapy interventions—work environment adaptation, task modification, and sensory integration techniques—on employee well-being, with employee engagement as a mediator and work-life balance as a moderator. The research was conducted in physical therapy clinics in Karachi, utilizing a structured questionnaire and analyzing the data with SmartPLS. The results demonstrate that all three occupational therapy interventions have a significant positive impact on employee well-being. Work environment adaptation and task modification emerged as particularly influential, while sensory integration techniques also contributed positively, though to a lesser extent. Employee engagement significantly mediated the relationship between the interventions and well-being, indicating that when employees feel engaged, the benefits of these interventions are more pronounced. Furthermore, work-life balance moderated the effect of work environment adaptation on well-being, amplifying its positive impact. These findings are aligned with the Job Demands-Resources Theory, which posits that workplace resources mitigate job demands, leading to higher employee well-being and retention. The study underscores the importance of integrating physical adaptations with policies that support employee engagement and work-life balance. Despite its contributions, the study is limited by its cross-sectional design, geographical focus, and reliance on self-reported data, suggesting future research directions to enhance generalizability and validity. Overall, this research offers valuable insights for clinic managers seeking to optimize employee well-being and performance through occupational therapy interventions and holistic work environment strategies.


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How to Cite

Khan, H. ., Amber, Tabassum, S. M. ., & Saghir, U. . (2024). Optimizing Employee Well-Being through Occupational Therapy Interventions: Assessing the Role of Work Environment Adaptation. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(3), 178-183. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00465