Sports’ Celebrity Endorsement and Consumer Buying Behavior About Soft Drinks in Pakistan
Sports’ celebrity endorsement, consumer buying behavior, consumer purchase intention, consumer sports involvement, soft drinksAbstract
This study aimed to examine two key research objectives: (i) the impact of sports celebrity endorsements on the consumer buying behavior and their involvement in sports, and (ii) the role of consumer purchase intention as a mediator between sports celebrity endorsements, consumer buying behavior, and sports involvement. This study adopted an explanatory approach, utilizing a self-administered questionnaire to gather data. Participants included a diverse group from Lahore, such as students, local athletes, business professionals, and other working-class individuals, with a total sample size of 350. The study employed non-probability convenience sampling. For data analysis, SPSS-Amos software was used, applying structural equation modeling (SEM) to explore the relationships between the proposed hypotheses. The results revealed that (i) sports celebrity endorsements had a positive and significant effect on both consumer buying behavior and sports involvement, and (ii) consumer purchase intention acted as a partial mediator in the relationship between sports celebrity endorsements, consumer buying behavior, and sports involvement. Future research could expand on these findings by conducting similar studies in other regions and cities within Pakistan, using a longitudinal approach to data collection. Additionally, future studies could target specific demographic groups, such as particular age ranges, genders, or consumers of different product categories.
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