Effectiveness of Rehabilitation: A Comparative Study of Punjab Probation & Parole Service and the Prison Department


  • Dr. Shoukat Alif Parole officer, Home department Govt. of Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Zeeshan Umar Visiting Lecturer, Concordia College, Sahiwal, Pakistan Author
  • Rabia Aslam Family Welfare Worker Population Welfare Department Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Rabia Aslam Family Welfare Worker Population Welfare Department Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Saira Zaka Mphil Scholar, University of Okara, Pakistan Author




Rehabilitation, PP&PS, Prison, Offenders, Probationers


The present research is aimed at exploring the importance of rehabilitation with special focus of the Punjab Probation and Parole Service (PP&PS) and the Prison department in the province of Punjab. These both departments are primarily related with the rehabilitation of the offenders. The study employed the qualitative research design. Data was collected from secondary sources including research articles, reports, official websites and other available sources. The study found that there is huge difference between the fiscal and infrastructure resources of both departments but strength of the offenders is not as much diverse. Presently, the prison department is having almost 64000 inmates’ population with more than 20000 staff and PP&PS is rehabilitating almost 45000 offenders with just 100 Probation Officers across the Punjab. The study found that both departments i.e., PP&PS and the prison departments are striving for the rehabilitation of the offenders but when it comes to reintegration and reformation of the offenders, the services of PP&PS are more effective. The PP&PS is providing more friendly environment to the offenders and conducts different seminars and activities which engages the offenders attentively. They are given respect and humanitarian gestures which motivate them to quit the deviant activities. 


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How to Cite

Alif, S. ., Umar, Z. ., Aslam, R. ., Aslam, R. ., & Zaka, S. . (2024). Effectiveness of Rehabilitation: A Comparative Study of Punjab Probation & Parole Service and the Prison Department. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 13(3), 436-443. https://doi.org/10.61506/