Impact of Trade Openness and Human Capital on Economic Growth: A Case Study of China
GDP, trade openness, human capital, labor force, inflationAbstract
This study examines the impact of trade openness and human capital on economic growth in China. The Autoregressive Distributed Lag cointegration model (ARDL) and CUSUM-of-squares test are used for data duration 1990-2023. Main results of the study show that trade openness and human capital are positively correlated with economic growth. Human capital is considered one of the most profitable assets in the country's economy, While, the country’s economy does not directly affect by trade openness. To enhance economic growth, the following suggestions can be made 1) reduce Trade Barriers like Lower tariffs, quotas, and other trade restrictions to facilitate international trade. 2) Increase funding for primary, secondary, and tertiary education to raise the average years of schooling and literacy rates. 3) Implement policies that improve ease of doing business, such as reducing bureaucratic red tape and enhancing legal protections for investors.
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