Microfinance participation, Knowledge Sharing Ability,, Financial and legal Awareness,, Socioeconomic Status, Microcredit Banks.Abstract
This study was carried out in southern Punjab and aimed at finding the impact of Micro-Finance participation on Socioeconomic Status and other mediating variables Impact on Socioeconomic status. All the variables impact the dependent variable, i.e., Socioeconomic Status. Our Population is Microcredit Finance Participants and non-participants of Microcredit banks clients. The sample size is 325 respondents, both male and female participants and non-participants of Microcredit Banks. An online and physical questionnaire will be developed in consultation with experts to cover the study’s objectives. Microcredit finance has played a significant role in transforming and improving the respondents' Socioeconomic conditions. Various statistical tests, such as SEM, KMO, and ANOVA tests, were used to evaluate the study's predicted suggestion and establish the relationship between variables.
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