ICT, Possibilities, HurdlesAbstract
Modern technological tools revolutionized teaching and learning. The study's goals were to 1) find out the role of opportunities in use of ICT within classroom, 2) to explore the challenges for use of ICT in classroom at university level. This study used a descriptive research method, and the population includes all the university teachers in the universities in the Lahore division. The study sample consisted of 250 teachers. The questionnaire was pilot tested for reliability and validity. The study revealed that university-based professors use digital libraries to expand their expertise. The quantity of PCs in computer labs is likewise lacking. Teachers are reluctant to employ advanced ICT devices. The study found that while teachers have positive opportunities to use ICT resources and technologies in universities, teachers (34%) report that they are facing many challenges in using ICTs at the university level. The research concluded that teachers' usage of ICT tools could increase their motivation and productivity. The study may recommend that universities provide enough teacher training facilities, ICT-related courses, and specialists to improve their technical expertise based on modern information and communication technologies.
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