Fear of crime, mass media, campus, university students, PakistanAbstract
Majority of people believe that crime is a significant problem in Pakistani society. For the last several years, there has been a lot of attention paid to two distinct but interrelated topics: crime, as well as media attention. As a result, the study's primary objective is to look at the connection between media and public fear of crime. Being frightened of crime is something that many people have to deal with. Research shows that a person's fear of crime is influenced by a lot of different things, and that some groups are more afraid over others. Even though they are predominantly young, university graduates admit they are frightened of crime both on and off campus. What hasn't been looked into yet is whether university students in Pakistan are afraid of violent acts or not. Further, the contributing factors why men and women seem to be frightened of crime may also be distinct. This data is obtained from the students of two higher education institutions in Punjab, Pakistan, which are both in the same province. Results show that most students don't think they're safe on campus, even though they have a lot of chances of getting victimized. A survey was utilized to gather data in this study, which employed the questionnaire. This study population consists primarily of higher education adolescents between the ages of 18 and 24. Overall, 447 of the 550 individuals who participated in the study were able to effectively reply to the majority of the questions. The present research emphasizes the need of investigating the relationship between students' fear of crime and their usage of mass media.
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