
  • DR. GULBAHAR Assistant Professor Department of Management Sciences, COMSATS University Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • SALIMA HAFEEZ PhD Scholar, IQRA University, Islamabad, & Lecturer, COMSATS University, Islamabad, Pakistan Author
  • DR. ZARA TAHIR Assistant Professor, International Islamic University Islamabad, Pakistan Author



Narcissism, Ethical climate, Counterproductive work behaviors


At workplace, dealing with peoples who are positive by nature and shows humbleness is much easier than unconstructive, and narcissistic. This study investigated the impact of narcissism on the counterproductive work behaviors in the audit firms of Pakistan. The moderating role of the ethical climate has been analyzed in the relationship of narcissism and counterproductive work behaviors. PROCESS-macro was used to test the moderated effect of the ethical climate. Confirmatory factor analysis was also used to check the validity of the data. The finding of the study revealed that there is a positive relationship between narcissism and counterproductive work behaviors. Furthermore, the study demonstrated higher level of ethical climate reduces the effects of narcissism on counterproductive work behaviors. This study provides meaningful insights to the managerial practitioners on how they can decrease negative work behaviors of the employees by reducing narcissism. Furthermore, this study contributed to the ethical climate theory and suggested that ethical climate played significant role in weakening the effect of narcissism on employees’ counterproductive work behaviors.


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