Employee Perceptions of CSR: A Multifaceted Analysis
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Employee Perception, Corporate CultureAbstract
Previous research has focused on customer perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR), leaving the perspective of employees relatively unexplored. This study delves into the unfamiliar territory of employees' views on CSR, recognizing that corporate culture and competencies contribute to competitive advantages. Employee perceptions of CSR activities are identified as pivotal in fostering the degree of employee commitment to their organization and its impact on the general efficiency of the corporation. An in-depth analysis of employees' perceptions of corporate social responsibility (CSR) encompasses crucial elements, particularly the perceived alignment between company culture and CSR capacity. This investigation provides insights into the diverse effects of CSR perceptions on overall corporate performance. The present study aims to evaluate the impact of perceived cultural fit and corporate social responsibility (CSR) competence on employee attachment and performance. This relationship is expected to be mediated by employees' views of CSR activities. The results highlight the significant impact of perceived cultural fit and CSR capabilities on the perception of corporate social responsibility (CSR), which in turn affects employee attachment and accomplishments positively. Consequently, companies are urged to take into account employees' perceptions of CSR, aligning them with feelings of attachment and long-term performance. These results hold significant implications for marketing theory and practice.
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