Role of English Language as a Global and Economical Language Around the Globe: A Case of Kachru's Model


  • Muhammad Aqeel PhD Scholar at Dept of English, USKT, University of Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Sajid Waqar Assistant Professor, Department of English, USKT, University of Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Samrina Abdul Majeed PhD Scholar at Dept of English, USKT, University of Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Samia Kiran MS Scholar at Dept of English, USKT, University of Sialkot, Punjab, Pakistan Author



Kachru’s Model, Three Circles, English Language, World Englishes, Lingua franca, Applied Linguistics, Socio Linguistics, Global Language, Economical Language, Multinational Corporations


This paper attempts to examine 'World Englishes' (WE) with connectivity to English as an International Language (EIL), Applied Linguistics and socio-linguistics. In the light of Kachru's model of English Language in the late 20th century. This model has three circles, inner circle, where English is used as native language, Outer Circle, mostly former colonies of British Empire, such as Singapore, India, Kenya, Ghana, Malaysia, Pakistan and others, and 3rd is Expanding Circle, include countries in which English is known as Foreign Language in schools and universities, mostly for communication and business or economic purposes as well with Inner and Outer circles. The term "English language" refers to various interesting and notable features, patterns, or aspects of the English language. These phenomena can encompass a wide range of linguistic phenomena, including grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, syntax, idioms, and more. English holds significant importance around the world because English is the most widely spoken language globally. It serves as a common language of communication among people from different linguistic backgrounds. Proficiency in English enables individuals to connect with a broader range of people, both in personal and professional contexts. English is the language of international business and economics as well. It facilitates global trade, negotiations, and collaboration between companies and individuals from different countries. Proficiency in English enhances employability and career opportunities, particularly in multinational corporations and industries with international reach. It recognizes the importance of both native and non-native varieties of English and acknowledges that each circle has its own linguistic norms, purposes, and language development. The study informs us that Kachru was an original thinker not in the field of English Language including applied linguistics, multilingualism, bilingualism, language policy, language creativity, code mixing, code switching, cross-cultural communication, sociolinguistics but also in the domain of politics of language and so many other issues including cross-cultural awareness.


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How to Cite

Aqeel, M. ., Waqar, S. ., Majeed, S. A. ., & Kiran, S. . (2023). Role of English Language as a Global and Economical Language Around the Globe: A Case of Kachru’s Model. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 12(4), 141-147.