Investigating the Impact of Talent Management Practices on Employee Turnover Intention in E-Commerce Sector of Pakistan
Talent Management Practices, Employee Motivation, Employee TurnoverAbstract
The aim of this study is to determine the effect of the practices that affect employee turnover intention of employees working in E-Commerce sector. The research is quantitative in nature, and the questionnaire is adopted from existing literature. Self-administered survey was conducted to collect primary data. Correlation and multiple regression were used to examine the relationship among variables. Findings of the research revealed that there is a significant positive relationship among the variables also few have insignificant relationship. Moreover, formal selection procedure, training & development, and succession planning are important and limitedly selected to analyze the impact over Employee turnover intention. This thesis research study attempted to identify the gap and deliver a better understanding of that how and to what extent TM practices impact employee turnover intention of employees. There are many studies been conducted on this topic worldwide, however in E-commerce and in Pakistan context are few and yet no empirical data found published in Pakistan. The findings of this research provide policies for managers and HR practitioners to help them to introduce TM practices or how to reduce the increasing number of turnover of employees.
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