Navigating the STEM Frontier: Unveiling Teachers’ Perception and Implementation Strategies at the Secondary Education Level
STEM frontiers, Implementation strategies, secondary educationAbstract
"Navigating the STEM Frontier" refers to the challenges, opportunities, and advancements in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The current study is going to unveiling teachers' perception and implementation strategies of STEM education at secondary school level. It was quantitative study that was descriptive in nature. All the secondary school teachers were the population of the study. Researchers selected a sample of teachers (606) through simple random sampling technique to accomplish the objective. Researchers used a questionnaire as a research tool to collect data from the respondents. After collecting data from teachers (606), it was analyzed through SPSS and used statistical techniques to explore the data with interpretations. The findings of the study informed that different levels of implementation were seen between secondary school teachers with academic qualifications and those with professional qualifications. STEM techniques were also more variable among experienced educators than their less-seasoned counterparts. The conclusion of the study address that the study stresses the significance of secondary school teachers' perspectives and methods for implementing STEM education. The importance of STEM education is widely acknowledged, although teachers may sometimes have differing views or methods. These results can guide future studies and initiatives to improve the efficacy of STEM education methods in secondary schools.
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