Causes and Effects of Poverty on Academic Achievements of Rural Secondary School Students: Case of Secondary School in Bahawlanagar District


  • Muhammad Tayyab Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Education, Superior University Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Khawaja Hisham-Ul-Hassan Associate Professor, Commerce Department, Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Farhana Akmal Lecture, Department of Education, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author



poverty, academic achievements, rural secondary school


Exchange to teaching is one of the significant uncomplicated social honesties in totally cultures. In Pakistan, the running of education has been one of the greatest serious matters of management public strategy particularly subsequently afterward individuality in 1947. Poverty has still continued a tentative block for maximum persons to achieve this simple right. This study required to examine the reasons and things of lack on educational success in the Bahawalnagar secondary school. The education required to representation the experiments shortage secondary school pupils’ expression in their mission for education, afterward important them to descent out of school. The procedure supervisory this study was a case study. Records were collected using forms, expression to expression meetings and document analysis. The study discovered that death of workers; joblessness and lack of education are the major reasons of deficiency in the Bahawalnagar public. The consequences of this study showed that shortage harmfully impressions on the educational success of scholars. The study consequently mentions that institute establishments stumble expense of school dues in instruction to accommodate the fewer fortunate scholars. The study additional mentions that the contributor public network capitals to education and feed students who originated from disadvantaged circumstances.


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How to Cite

Tayyab, M. ., Hisham-Ul-Hassan, K. ., & Akmal, F. . (2023). Causes and Effects of Poverty on Academic Achievements of Rural Secondary School Students: Case of Secondary School in Bahawlanagar District. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 12(3), 861-865.