Environmental Determinants of Attitude among Primary School Children in District Lodhran, Punjab, Pakistan


  • Umm-e Rabania Department of Education, PhD scholar superior university Lahore, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Khawaja Hisham-Ul-Hassan Associate Professor, Commerce Department Superior University Lahore, Punjab, Pakistan Author
  • Dr. Farhana Akmal Lecture, Department of Education, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan Author




Environmental Education, Primary Schools, Teachers Behavior, School Environment


This study aimed to explore the environmental determinants of attitude among primary school children. The primary goals of the study are to evaluate, to educate, to assist, and to help the environmental attitudes of students and teachers at primary school level. This study was descriptive in nature and utilized a survey method. The survey included all primary school students and instructors from public schools in southern Punjab. Data was collected using a simple random sampling approach. The sample size included 325 children and 75 instructors. Two separate questionnaires were employed as study instruments to gather data for both teachers and students. The data were evaluated using descriptive statistics such as frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviation to compare the perspectives of various respondent groups. The results were shown in tables and were described. The data analysis revealed that the teachers at primary schools level must inspire students to create a better atmosphere. Students should have the option to choose between government and private schools. Teachers should utilize audio-visual tools to enhance the effectiveness of their teaching during classroom instruction.


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How to Cite

Rabania, U.- e, Hisham-Ul-Hassan, K. ., & Akmal, F. . (2023). Environmental Determinants of Attitude among Primary School Children in District Lodhran, Punjab, Pakistan. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 12(4), 485-492. https://doi.org/10.61506/01.00156