Green transformational leadership, Green innovation, Green human resource management practices, environmental performanceAbstract
The current study aims to investigate the environmental performance of hospitality industry of Pakistan based on green practices. The environmental concerns have become point of focus due to global warming issues so therefore greening aspect has gained importance in operational perspective. The study intends to examine the influence of green transformational leadership, green innovation and green human resource practices on environmental performance. The study is unique in determining the effect of individual employee behaviour under covid-19 as study was conducted during pandemic as it considered as most destructive situation for hospitality industry. The study was quantitative in nature and data was collected from hotels of Pakistan through questionnaires. The collected data was analysed on Smart-PLS through measurement model and structural equation modelling. The collected data was analysed through Smart-PLs and found interesting results that green transformational leadership, green innovation and green human resource management practices has unique influence on environmental performance. The results depicted that green transformation leadership and green innovation found to be significant, but green human resource practices observed as insignificant. Furthermore, no moderation was reported by individual employee behaviour under covid-19 in hypotheses H5 and H6 but H7 found to be statistically significant. The findings of the study are crucial for hotel industry to develop strategies towards environmental concerns while focusing on greening aspect of operational perspective.
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