
  • FAROOQ AHMAD Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Okara, Okara, Pakistan Author
  • AMNA GUL MS Scholar, Virtual University of Pakistan, Lahore Author
  • SYED ALI RAZA HAMID Hamdard Institute of Management Sciences, Hamdard University, Islamabad Author
  • ZUNAIRA MAHMOOD PhD Scholar, Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad Author
  • SHAHIDA MARIAM PhD Scholar, Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad Author


Big Five Personality Traits, Workplace Victimization,, Universities, Lahore


In this study, we relied on victim precipitation theory and examined the role of the employee’s personality, from the target perspectives, in their victimization at the workplace in the context of higher education institutions in Pakistan. Personality was hypothesized as a five-factor construct; extraversion, agreeableness, consciousness, neuroticism, and openness. The quantitative data was gathered through a questionnaire survey from the teaching faculty of different public and private sector universities located in Lahore. Results revealed that extraversion, agreeableness, and conscientiousness have a significant negative correlation with workplace victimization. In contrast, neuroticism showed a significant positive association with workplace victimization. Openness to experience was unrelated to victimization in the given context. The theoretical and practical value of these findings has been discussed in this study.


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How to Cite

AHMAD, F. ., GUL, A. ., HAMID, S. A. R. ., MAHMOOD, Z. ., & MARIAM, S. . (2021). EMPLOYEES’ OWN PERSONALITY MAY INDUCE THEIR VICTIMIZATION AT WORK: EVIDENCE FROM UNIVERSITIES IN LAHORE. Bulletin of Business and Economics (BBE), 10(4), 13-21. https://bbejournal.com/BBE/article/view/270